With all of the tall tales being told in first grade, some of the kids have been asking, "is that true?"

So we decided to spend some time talking about 'real'  vs. 'made up'.   Here students are sorting some scenes from the story of John Henry.  They are deciding if the story details could be real, or if they were probably made up. 

We have been encouraging students to support their claims with evidence.  Even though many groups came up with different conclusions, all students had strong supporting evidence to back up their claims!   

Last week we began a new social studies unit.  We invited Wyatt and The Lady to visit from 'out west' and tell some tall tales around our campfire.

We have told stories about Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan with more to come.


To start our new Tall Tales unit, we did a little background research.  

Students searched through books to find information about the lives of people on the western frontier.  

They studied transportation, clothing, buildings, jobs and tools, and discussed the differences between 'then' and 'now'.

These three gentleman paused from their work for a quick funny photo.  

We worked with students from the other 1st and 2nd grades on making VOTE stickers, singing patriotic songs and pondering the questions of 'what if I were president'.  

Our class participated in a mock election last week.  They could vote for Grace, Duck or My Teacher for president.

The popular vote from 1st and 2nd grade went to Grace!

Today we had three centers during math, all based around finding the combinations of ten. 

You can find 'How Many am I Hiding' and 'Heads and Tails' in our math section of the website for download.

This global village was created in Art class with Ms. Hood.  In this village are the traditional homes of our class's ancestors. 

As we studied 'What makes me, ME?' each student created a box to show some of the key physical and character traits that make them unique.